Thursday, January 10, 2013


Dr. Vaibhav Kapoor, Surgery Resident won the 1st prize in BEST PAPER SESSION atNational Conference ASICON 2012 held at Kolkata, titled "Analysis of application and diagnostic importance of the Alvarado Scoring in patients with right iliac fossa pain" 

This paper was selected for National competition presentation on the basis of winning the first prize at State Conference MASICON 2012 . The other presenters were First prize winner of respective state surgical conference held in 2012.

This paper was declared winner out of this stiff competition. We congratulate Dr.Vaibhav for this rare & prestigeous achievement!

Dr Sushil Kachewar Asso.Professor Department of Radiology Rural Medical College, PIMS – DU Loni. secured 1st rank in Primary round of AVISHKAR 2012 held on 27th December 2012 organized by at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, “Best Teacher in overall Teachers as well as Medical and Pharmacy Teachers category for PhD Project” – Fetal middle Cerehral artery Doppler.